Saturday, January 17, 2009

On the other hand, I don't want you to fuck yourself

If you would like some baseball analysis, but are reluctant to be burned at the stake by someone named Hitman, this could still be the place for you.

Turns out there are already sports blogs who exist with a pretty similar attitude. While I'd love to be thought of as they are, I'd like my own identity, too.

We here at ISP would like to share our love with the MLB with the blogosphere and have a little bit of fun.

My name's wimpy and if you don't feel like plummeting to your death, I'm perfectly ok with that. Just don't think that means I want to hear about how great your fanbase is, either.

1 comment:

  1. Who wants to be eloquent? That's a lot of work.

    /Drinks another beer.
